
Everyone wants a thick and healthy lawn.  Overseeding is the practice of adding new grass seed into a lawn, to introduce new endophyte-enhanced grass species that requires less water, less fertilizer, resists insects disease pressures and discourages weed infestations.

Overseeding is recommended annually for every lawn, even for the best-conditioned lawns.

For lawns that are thin, weak, and have minor areas of concern, overseeding works wonders.  New grass seed assists in thickening up these areas before they continue to worsen and problems arise.  Continually adding new grass seed replaces older, tired grass to keep it healthy and robust.

Spring and Fall are usually the best times to plant grass seed since soil and air temperatures are warm and natural rainfall is usually common.  These beneficial growing conditions help ensure optimal seed germination and make establishment much more successful.

The most important rule to follow when establishing new grass seed is this: “If the seed dries, it dies”.  Water is essential and without it, the seed cannot germinate.  Maintaining a light frequent watering schedule multiple times a day until the grass fully establishes is vital to ensure the seed stays moist and doesn’t dry out.  If you have an Irrigation System we can help you set it up for optimal grass germination and growth.

Depending on the grass species, it can take weeks or months to fully establish new seedlings.  Special aftercare and mowing practices are required during establishment since new seedlings are tender and can be easily damaged if mowing frequency and mowing height are not adjusted.  It's recommended to wait 4–6 weeks after full germination until regular mowing practices are adopted.

Combining a Core Aeration service with overseeding is an excellent way to achieve optimal performance by maximizing the benefits both services have to offer at once.

Top Dressing the lawn combined with overseeding, is also suggested as it allows the new seedlings to germinate in a rich soil environment.  With a large selection of Soil Blends to choose from, we can help select the blend, best suited for your location.  Peat moss in areas where the lawn is bare will help to protect against consumption by the Okanagan’s high quantity of bird life such as quail and finches.

Contact us for more information. Our knowledgeable staff would be happy to provide a detailed evaluation of your property’s needs.